For many years, I have been finding the answer to the questions: What is the most valuable trait that makes a human being disguised with the rest?

I have a liking for many people, but to adore and admire, when I reflect on all of the relations I have been through, just a few figures suddenly appear inside my head. Few means two. Even though they have never had a chance to hear my confession, I always see them as lofty characters, who are completely in higher positions, separating from others.
So, what makes they stand in a really special place for my fantasy? Well, I almost firmly believe that they have something in common. Let’s say, integrity.
It is not the kind of innocent honesty. Because despite coming from totally different backgrounds, biological gender, or ages, they’re both very intelligent, plus relatively experienced enough to have a deeper insight into human nature. What I want to talk about, is the ability to be sincere and have strong moral principles regarding what they believe. Beyond that, they both have a talent of expressing themselves in their original ingenious languages, which could directly touch not just the hearts but the minds of the audience.
Our thoughts and feelings are uncertain. And to live honestly with that, we must frequently struggle and question ourselves. This cynicism, somehow, makes us feel weak and lose confidence. However, after overcoming , it truly nourishes our consciousness and transforms our mind to be extended remarkably.
And because of the high phases in our lives, when we could easily express ourselves, which are usually short moments, the possibility is we spend significant time on losing, breaking, healing, then hoping, and getting lost again. During that suffering process, if we give a show to the world our deep emotions, we all acknowledge that this action can put us in an extremely vulnerable place, and it's pretty normal to avoid exposing vulnerabilities to others. Especially when you are considered and want to be seen as a symbol of a strong one.
Yet, as I said, they are unusual individuals.
They choose not to hide it even when they are in a successful place in others’s eyes. I admired them profoundly for the way they manage to put their feelings into words without being afraid of paying high costs for that. The costs include: finances, their brighter careers, social judgments, and the risks of losing their loved ones. However, if necessary they could trade all of that to protect their integrity as a human.
It is a sign of a very strong person.
I have a lot of admiration for them, not just because they are sincere or wise. It’s because they have played a significant role in my life as a lighter, lighting up my path in the darkest times, when I got lost, when I was in fear, by revealing similar experiences, they reminds me that, by the end of the day, despite our desire for perfection and omnipotence, we are all human.